Learning Lean - Collaboratively
John Shook, 27.01.2012
I wish I knew more about learning. I know quite a lot, just not nearly enough. Like you, I’ve been educated – hopefully even learning throughout that process – for many (too many?) years. I’ve – again hopefully – continued to learn outside of formal “education” throughout my life, as have you, in work and personal life. I’ve also read a library full of books on just about every dimension of learning you can imagine: child development, adult learning, socialization as learning, organizational learning, the neurological science of learning, and of course the various principles and techniques of learning as they apply specifically to lean practice.
If you’ve read this far, you know by now that lean practice is in fact all about learning. At the individual level, at the organizational level. If many corners of the lean movement started out with an unbalanced focus on tools and techniques, most lean practitioners know by now that no lean effort will succeed on the operational side without success on the social side – the dimension of people working and learning together.
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