Почему lean-программы терпят неудачу? Печать
Статьи - Lean Production
Автор: Jeffrey Liker, Mike Rother   
18.06.2012 09:26

Успех Тойоты вдохновил десятки тысяч организаций принять какую-либо форму Lean программы. В центре внимания Lean: клиент и стоимости потока. Это стремление к совершенству, постоянной ликвидации потерь путем решения проблем. Организация действительно становится приверженной  Lean на пути к совершенству. Однако опросы показали, что лишь 2% компаний достигли ожидаемых результатов. Комитет премии Синго, который дает awards for excellence в сфере Lean, вернулся к прошлым победителям и обнаружил, что многие сошли с дистанции. Почему стремление к совершенству через Lean так трудно?


Материал предоставлен автором Джеффри Лайкером.


Why Lean Programs Fail

Jeffrey Liker and Mike Rother

Toyota’s success has inspired tens of thousands of organizations to adopt some form of a Lean program. The focus of Lean is on the customer and the value stream. It is a pursuit of perfection by constantly eliminating waste through problem solving. Certainly an organization that is truly dedicated to becoming Lean is on a path toward excellence.

Yet a large survey found that only 2 percent of companies that have a Lean program achieved their anticipated results. More recently, the Shingo Prize committee, which gives awards for excellence in lean manufacturing, went back to past winners and found that many had not sustained their progress. Why is the pursuit of excellence through Lean so difficult?

When we look at a Toyota plant, we see many good ideas, and it appears that the company has a department of Toyota Production System (TPS) geniuses who design and implement all these Lean innovations. We might ask whether these ideas are standardized and implemented in all Toyota plants in the exact same way. Are the TPS experts telling the plants what to do and auditing them to see if they are following the best practices?

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